Wednesday, January 5, 2011

SRP Progress

I am happy to report that I am currenrtly less stressed out about the Senior Research Paper.
Last night I finished the rest of Ellen Foster and my book notes and undelining. I know it helped me to read activally which helped me to understood main concepts and symbols from the novel.
My book was also an easy read and a topic I enjoyed reading about which really helped since I tend to slack off and become unintrested when it comes to reading the schools's required reading.
Today Mr. Wiseman finished reviewing the packet for our outline. I think it helps that we only have to start out by compleating half of the outline by the 24th, with the rest being dure the 31st.
I know my opinion will probably change in the near future about the paper, but at least everything is smooth sailing as of right now.

2010 Realizations

I would say that the most important person of 2010, for me was my Grandpa or Papa as us grandkids liked to call him. Only a week into Summer vacation my grandfater died after a 2 and a half year battle of illness. It was very hard on our entire family. Eariler in the year my uncle's family and ours clashed over a difference of opinion about posting "private family buisness" on facebook.
I wish I were making that up, but it's the truth.
Bitter words were exchanged and the fude only weakened my grandfater's health, in my opinion.
I wish I could say that we all came together as a stronger family in the wake of what had happened, but that didn't happen.
However, my mom, dad, and sister; Jenny have become closer as a unit. Jenny and I have made promices to one another that when we are adults, we will never let the same petty problems come between our family's. That is the best way that Jenny and I can honor our grandpa at this point in time.