Monday, November 22, 2010

Senior Year- Just another glorious fall day!

The first bell of the morning and there is already work to be done. Mr. Wiseman passed out a huge packet of information pertaining the dreaded Senior Research Paper. Personally I was thinking, DRAT, not another one! (C.P. Government was in the midst of a paper as well). On top of that I was thinking about collage applications, work, and because I am just like any other teenager, I was thinking about how this would hinder my social life and free time even more.
For the next 4 bells the SRP was basically the trending topic of the Senior class. Senior lunch was no different. My friends and I ranted about how this paper is gonna be so hard and that it's going to consume our lives, and that this paper was just a big crock of bull, and what not. It seemed like the SRP was all anyone could talk about because for the last few bells of the day, that all I heard anyone talk about as well.
However, now that I am writing this, I'm thinking about how Mr. Wiseman told us that this is basically the paper of all papers you will ever do and is basically the final test before we go to college on weather or not we can actually take initiative and read a novel all the way through and then write a great paper on it.
So I'm thinking to myself that maybe this is something to really take serious, considering I've been pretty chill when it comes to school the past few months,  more so then I ever should have.
All I know for sure that the SRP, for me, is something I wont slack on.

1 comment:

  1. Megan,
    (1) I love the kitty picture you've posted.
    (2) I think it's funny that the SRP was the topic of conversations.
    (3) I think it's not that bad, and you'll get a lot out of it. You'll be impressed with how well you do if you actually "care" about it.
    (4) Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving break.
